Rashid Mazhar
Hey, I'm Rashid Mazhar, a third-year Computer Science student at KIIT. I'm passionate about tech, particularly problem-solving, web development, machine learning, and animations. Beyond the books, I'm actively applying my skills to create meaningful projects. Join me in navigating the ever-evolving world of technology!
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A pinnacle of healthcare innovation, where cutting-edge AI meets compassionate care. Our platform is a symphony of precision and efficacy, harnessing the boundless potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize wellness.


Law Mitr

LawMitr stands out as your unparalleled legal ally, seamlessly blending the vast expanse of constitutional principles with specialized expertise acquired during its LLM(Large Language Model) journey.


Auto Colorization of images

Elevate grayscale images effortlessly using advanced machine learning.
Our cutting-edge model applies vibrant and realistic colors, eliminating manual effort.


Sribble Sync

Scribble Sync is an online drawing application built using Next.js, but with an exciting twist: it integrates WebSocket technology fostering collaboration and connection in the digital space.


Me &
My Tech Stack

I specialize in transforming conceptual visions into impactful technological solutions. Armed with a toolkit comprising HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I embark on a coding odyssey to craft immersive digital experiences. Fuelled by the dynamic synergy of React and Tailwind, I ensure that every line of code contributes to a harmonious user interface, seamlessly adapting to various devices with the assistance of Bootstrap.

Venturing into the backend domain, I employ MongoDB to meticulously organize data, while the orchestration of server-side operations is deftly managed by Express and Node. Adding a touch of versatility to my coding repertoire, Flask and Python bring an extra layer of adaptability to the technological canvas. With Git as my trusty sidekick for version control and Postman acting as the conductor, I harmonize APIs into a cohesive and efficient ensemble.

Join me on this technological journey, where HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Tailwind, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Express, Node, Flask, and Python converge in a symphony of innovation and creativity, shaping the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Contact Me

Questions, thoughts, or just want to say hello?